Clogged Intake Manifold on Your Hydraulic Fracturing Pumps – Solved

Clogged Intake Manifold on Your Hydraulic Fracturing Pumps – Solved

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Joe Sugarman on Sep 18, 2019 2:15:00 PM


By employing Dixon’s intake manifolds, a Well Services company overcame catastrophic failures to its hydraulic fracturing fluid-ends, preventing costly operational downtime and repairs.

The situation:

Hydraulic fracturing operations are intense and time critical. The need for continuous and uninterrupted flow from the myriad high-pressure pump units within the “hot zone” near the wellhead allows little room for equipment failures.

The problem:

The hydraulic fracturing company was having issues with pump manifolds clogging on its worksites. Over the course of two months, the company had experienced 17 total failures to the fluid-end manifold on its high-pressure pumps, due to a buildup of sand and rock in the system.

The solution:

Maintenance technicians at the company replaced the pumps’ common “log-style” manifolds with Dixon’s one-piece, “zoomie-style” intake manifolds. The Dixon product allowed for a smoother, clog-free flow of hydraulic fracturing fluids to the high-pressure pumps under the same harsh conditions.


The outcome:

To date, the company has utilized more than 30 Dixon intake manifolds at hydraulic fracturing sites throughout the Southwest’s Permian Basin, Texas’ Eagle Ford, and the Bakken Formation in the northern United States and Canada. The company reports that none of the manifolds have clogged.

Interested in learning more? Read our related case study Why Use Dixon 3 Port and 5 Port Intake Manifolds on HHP Hydraulic Manufacturing Pumps?  

For more information on how we can help you save time and money in your hydraulic fracturing operations email a specialist.

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