LAP Open Wire, April 8, 2023 &#8211

Some stool legs on my bench this week.

We have now opened the floor for woodworking questions this morning. 

Every Saturday, I post a new blog entry that calls for your questions. You can write them in the comments section below. I’ll do my best to answer them.

Please read the following before you post a comment.

I reserve the right to ignore questions that are obviously hate mail or cross the lines of decorum. Also, if you post a comment and it does not immediately appear, it likely has been flagged for moderation. First-time commenters are always kicked to moderation. Also, posting a lot of links, using hateful language or excessive length causes the software to flag it for moderation.

So your comment will appear after I approve it.

In other words, there is no need to keep posting a comment over and over. 

So here we go…. Note that comments for this entry will close about 5 p.m. Eastern. 

— Christopher Schwarz

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