Leaving Windows Open at Night: Security Tips by Fantastic UK

Leaving Windows Open at Night: Security Tips

As the UK’s summer warmth sets in, a concerning trend emerges – an increase in burglaries. This phenomenon, often dubbed “unforced burglaries,” is largely attributed to people leaving their windows open at night to enjoy a cool breeze. This surge in break-ins typically spans from May to late September, catching victims off-guard as they sleep.

Zooming in on London, burglaries are unfortunately all too common. In the 2022/23 reporting year, a staggering 54,730 burglary cases were reported. Shockingly, nearly one in five burglaries in the UK involves entry through a window, but in only 6.3% of cases does the intruder break the window. 45% of people admit to leaving their windows unlocked in unoccupied rooms, providing easy access for burglars.

If you want to prevent this from happening to you, we have you covered. In this post, you’ll learn how to safely keep windows open at night by utilising certain security tricks and much more.

So if you:

  • Have become a victim of a break-in and want to improve your security;
  • Want to prevent a break-in from happening due to an open window;
  • Want to be able to safely leave an open window during the night;

Then this post is for you!

Table of Contents:

  • Do burglars use open windows?
  • Do insurance companies cover open window break-ins?
  • How to safely leave windows open at night
  • Most common burglary entry points

Do burglars use open windows?

The answer is yes, burglars do use open windows if they’re easily accessible. Open windows are like an open invitation to any burglar in the vicinity. So, the more windows left open at night, the higher the chances of your home getting burglarized.

We know that the summer heat can sometimes be unbearable and that an open window can make all the difference. However, leaving the window open at night is only safe if your room is located on the second or third floor, where the windows are hard to reach from the outside.

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How to safely leave windows open at night

There are a few ways one can secure their open window to avoid break-ins.

Install window security bars

Securing your window with bars is probably the most effective way of keeping anyone from breaking into your property while the window’s open at night. However, before you go putting up bars on your windows, first consult your fire code. Window bars can cause serious life-threatening situations, if a fire breaks out.

Therefore it’s recommended that you install special safety bars on the inside of your window, which in the case of a fire can be taken apart easily with the push of a quick-release lever. Just make sure that this mechanism is farther away from the window so that a burglar won’t be able to reach in and activate the release.

Get window restrictors / ventilation window locks

Window restrictors are a type of safety device that prevents your window from opening more than a fixed distance. This distance is normally set at 10 cm so that it can prevent anyone from going in or out through the window.

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Fit window sash stops

If you have a sliding sash window you can easily fit it with a lockable sash stop, which will allow you to leave a 10 cm gap for ventilation while locking the window in place. So, if you really want to leave the window open at night to get some fresh air, a sash stop is the way to go, especially if you have the type of window that supports it. Just remember to lock your windows completely when you’re leaving the house.

Install motion sensors

Motion sensors detect when someone is moving around the room that it’s installed in. It works by sensing the movement and body heat of the person who passes nearby. Once it senses movement, the sensor activates the alarm. So, installing one on a wall close to a window that you like to leave open at night is a great way of improving your security.

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Do insurance companies cover open-window break-ins?

Most insurance companies will not reimburse you if you leave your windows open at night and your house gets burglarized due to this. However, bear in mind that home insurance policies vary from company to company, so be sure to check the fine print on yours. Here you’ll be able to see if your policy demands you to keep your windows secured or not.

Most common burglary entry points

The most common entry points for burglars are the following (the order is from most popular to less popular):

  • Front door – Burglars either just take advantage of the fact that you’ve left your door open, lock pick or snap the lock. According to different sources, 34% of thieves enter a property through the front door;
  • First-floor window – Since first-floor windows are easily accessible, they’re a pretty popular entry point for burglars. 23% of them enter homes through the first-floor window;
  • Back door – Same as with the front door, the rear one is also a common point of entry for robbers, 22% of them, to be exact;
  • Garage door – An unlocked garage door is an easy way for anyone to enter your property if the garage has access point to it on the inside. Still only 9% of burglars gain entry through the garage door;
  • Basement – Although rare, some burglars try to enter houses through the basement, it happens in only 9% of the time, so it’s rarely used;
  • Second-floor window – Only 2% of the most daring of robbers will try to break in through a second-floor window;
  • Unlocked areas Unlocked areas such as sheds, and storage. There are not much statistics here;
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So make sure to safeguard these areas, to reduce the chances of your home getting burglarized. The professional locksmiths that Fantastic Services work with can help you choose and install the most suitable window locks and security furniture to keep your property safe at night.

Thinking of installing a new window lock?

Get a professional locksmiths to can help you out.

Thinking of installing a new window lock?


  • Never leave your windows completely open at night.
  • Take advantage of window security systems to keep your home safe from burglars.
  • Open windows are the second most common point of entry for burglars.

Did you find this post helpful? Did you manage to choose your best option on how to protect your windows at night? Share your experience in the comment section below!

Image source: Shutterstock / Jorge Salcedo

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