9 Weird Spider Facts | Fantastic Services

Image source: rujithai / Shutterstock.com

Spiders – no matter if you find them fascinating or hate their existence, one is probably building a new home in your bathroom as you read this article. 

At some point, most likely while you were removing a huge web from your living room’s upper right corner, you’ve asked yourself questions like: “Hmm, how do spiders end up in my house?” or “Do they really eat other spiders?”. We prepared a list of the 9 interesting spider facts.

Table of Contents:

  • The bigger the city, the bigger the spiders
  • Setting a house spider “free” can kill it
  • Are spiders afraid of humans?
  • Where do spiders come from?
  • Can spiders come up through drains?
  • Not all spider bites are dangerous
  • Are there cannibal spiders?
  • Do spiders eat their webs?
  • How many eggs can a house spider lay?

The bigger the city, the bigger the spiders

Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve read it here first – the bigger the city you live in, the bigger the spiders you will see. Basically, it’s an evolution thing. Like every species on this planet, arachnids also adapt to their environment.

A few studies have shown that spiders that live in more populated areas with a lot of concrete surfaces tend to be on the heavier side, which is definitely not good news for all of you Londoners out there. But then again – a big spider could never be compared to a London rat. 

Setting a house spider “free” can kill it

Those of us who are more tender-hearted tend to avoid killing, well, anything, but has an especially soft spot for spiders. You know how the story goes – you find this lonely spider behind your sofa, and you are thinking: “I’m going to save you, little guy, don’t worry!”. You grab a glass, and you “free” the critter by throwing it in the garden.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but chances are that every time you’ve thought you “saved” a spider by returning it back to nature, you’ve ended its life. You see, most house spiders have never seen the outdoors and can’t survive it because they’ve hatched in your home. Two put it simply – you not doing the spider a favour by placing it outside. 

Are spiders afraid of humans?

The majority of spiders avoid humans and will only bite if provoked. Since they don’t want to be seen, spiders are exceptional at hiding or camouflaging themselves.

You know how house spiders try to “attack” you when you cross their way? Interestingly enough, the creature is trying to run away from you, but most have really bad eyesight and can’t properly detect motion or light/dark differences. The initial reaction of most spiders is to find a dark place to hide. And do you know what the first thing they see is? Your shadow. It’s quite funny when you think about it – a little spider going into a few blown panic attacks, screaming for its life, and there you stand, thinking that it’s trying to eat you whole.

Where do spiders come from?

As we mentioned earlier, most spiders you see wandering around the house have hatched in some dark corner of your basement. However, this doesn’t mean that they are “locals”. Sometimes outdoor spiders lose their way and end up in your living room. A small crack in the wall or an opened window is an invitation to spiders. The most common one you’ll see is the wolf spider, which despite its name, is quite harmless.

It’s bigger in size compared to your typical daddy long-legs spider, and it looks, well, fluffy. Needless to say, if you spot a wolf spider in your house, placing it outside, we’ll be best for the creature. 

Spotted too many spider inside your house? Learn more about how e can help make them go away.

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Can spiders come up through drains?

We’ve all witnessed the terrifying sight of a spider climbing out from a bathroom drain. Most people think this is how you get spiders in your house. The truth, however, is that arachnids like to drink water and drink A LOT of it. What happens is that the 8-legged creatures get thirsty and decide to go for a sip of water; they land in your porcelain sink and then can’t get out. So, no – you aren’t a victim of the famous plumbing spider army. 

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Not all spider bites are dangerous

Only a few spider species on this planet can cause you harm. Most spiders that you’ll find in the UK won’t attack you, and if, by chance, they do, the bite won’t lead to any health complications. It isn’t as dramatic as becoming Chelsea’s friendly neighbourhood Spider-man – the worst that can happen is for you to get a rash.

Are there cannibal spiders?

Cannibal species do exist. Yup, you read this right – some spiders like to eat other spiders. Creepy – we know. It’s mostly seen during mating season, and the whole ritual is quite fascinating. So, before mating with a female spider, the male should bring his ladyfriend a present – a silked-wrapped fly. Romantic, right?

She will reject him if the male spider doesn’t give the female a gift. But get this, if he brings one, and she still cuts him off and tries to attack the poor guy, the male spider can use the present as a shield. Nature is weird. 

Do spiders eat their webs?

Spiders aren’t wasteful creatures – they like to recycle their homes. You see, most arachnid types need to build a new house every night, so what they do is they consume their old one to get the required amount of amino acids that create the silk proteins needed for their webbing.

So, if a web that used to be in the top left corner of your bedroom magically disappears, your spider friend hasn’t left the building – it just had a very full dinner and changed its location.

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How many eggs can a house spider lay?

An egg sac may contain more than 200 eggs. When we say a lot, we really do mean it. The average lady house spider can lay hundreds of eggs if not even thousands of them. After spiders mate, they keep their eggs in numerous sacks, which contain a frightening number of baby spiders, ready to infest your house.

Do you have a spider problem in your home?

So, we discovered that the spiders in your home won’t eat your head while you sleep. However, having them running around your house still is not a pleasant sight. Fantastic Services is here to save the day if you have a serious problem with the 8-legged creatures. In London, we provide professional spider control services.

Our services are performed by trained pest controllers who have flexible work schedules and work with industry-grade products. Book our professional spider control treatment now!

Got too many spiders at home?

Find a professional to successfully rid you of that pest.

Got too many spiders at home?


  • Most spider species aren’t dangerous, but having them in your home is still not fun.
  • You’ll find the tiny creatures close to damp areas in your house due to their strong need for water. That’s the reason why you see so many spiders building their homes in your bathroom.
  • A single female arachnid representative can lay thousands of eggs, so if you start finding more baby spiders in your home than usual, maybe it’s time to call a professional pest controller.


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